Hall of Cupiditas

59379   Selm

Overnight booking

Max. 10 guests
Hourly booking

Max. 10 guests
Overnight booking

Max. 10 guests
Hourly booking

Max. 10 guests


Prices for overnight booking

Base price:
320,00 €
Overnight stay:
from 380,00 €
Additional Guests:
110,00 € / night

Prices for hourly booking (min. 1 h)

Base price:
200,00 €
Price per hour:
from 150,00 €
Additional Guests:
85,00 € / booking


Number of rooms: 17

Total area: 400 m²

Bookable options for overnight booking

Early Check In - ab 11.00 - bei Verfügbarkeit
60,00 € / booking
Late Check Out bis 7 Stunden später - bei Verfügb
160,00 € / booking
Late Check Out 5 Stunden später- bei Verfügbarkeit
110,00 € / booking
XXL luxus Whirlpool Grundpreis
150,00 € / booking
Whirlpool pro ÜN 2 Personen (kommt zur Grundmiete
40,00 € / booking
Whirlpool pro ÜN-jedes weitere Paar
25,00 € / piece
Poolservice , -Desinfektion, Reinigung und Pflegem
70,00 € / booking
Sauna Grundpreis / Saunatücher, Düfte für 2 Person
70,00 € / booking
Sauna pro ÜN für 2 Personen( kommt zum Grundpreis
15,00 € / booking
Sauna pro Nacht - jedes weitere Paar
15,00 € / piece

Bookable options for hourly booking

XXL luxus Whirlpool Grundpreis
150,00 € / booking
Whirlpool pro ÜN 2 Personen (kommt zur Grundmiete
40,00 € / booking
Whirlpool pro ÜN-jedes weitere Paar
25,00 € / piece
Poolservice , -Desinfektion, Reinigung und Pflegem
70,00 € / booking
Sauna Grundpreis / Saunatücher, Düfte für 2 Person
70,00 € / booking
Sauna pro ÜN für 2 Personen( kommt zum Grundpreis
15,00 € / booking
Sauna pro Nacht - jedes weitere Paar
15,00 € / piece

0 Ratings

This playroom is new and has no ratings yet.


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The exact address of the playroom is not publicly visible. You will receive it from the host together with the confirmation of your booking request.

Your Host: Hall of Cupiditas

House rules

Smoking outdoor allowed
No party
Commercial picture taking forbidden
Erotic service forbidden

Further rules and business terms

Conditions for cancellation (% of the booking value)

Overnight booking
> 30 days before check-in
0 %
> 14 days before check-in
50 %
> 5 days before check-in
80 %
after that
100 %
Hourly booking
> 30 days before check-in
0 %
14 days before check-in
20 %
3 days before check-in
50 %
1 day before check-in
90 %
after that
100 %

Prepayment and Deposit

A prepayment for booking on an hourly basis
100 % of the booking value
A prepayment for overnight booking
100 % of the booking value
200,00 €